Officers Save a Man from House Fire

On September 2, 2023, at 0005 hours, Officer Clayton Embry and Officer Sean Pendleton along with Edinburgh Fire were dispatched to a residential fire at 407 N Kyle Street with entrapment. Upon arrival Officers located part of the residence on fire with a lot of smoke coming from the residence. Officers Embry and Pendleton located the apartment where the 911 caller stated he was unable to get out of. Officers made entry where the they located a 62 year old male sitting on the couch but was unable to get to his wheel chair. The residence was full of smoke and the male was heaving difficulty breathing. Officers located the male and assisted him to him wheel chair got him to safety along with his lifesaving medical supplies.
Officers were further able to coax the residents 6 dogs out of the residence where they were able to be placed into a vehicle by a firefighter for safe keep while Edinburgh Fire and several other agencies were able to put the fire out. Chief Little credits the heroic actions by the Police Officers getting to the scene and without hesitation going into the fire with saving the males life. Chief Little also gives a lot of credit to the 911 dispatcher Jerrica Barnaby that kept the residence calm and was able to get the correct address to save the mans life. Chief Little and Sgt Sturgeon presented each officer a life saving award on September 13, 2023. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.
Officer Clayton Embry and Officer Sean Pendleton