Season of 5ks

Grab your walking/running shoes and join us for a brand new 5k series! We're hosting one 5k a month during the "ber" months.
September: Red Cloud Trot
October: Clown Run
November: Gobble Wobble
December: Light It Up 5k
Register for all 4 for a special edition medal! Each walk/run will have a different medal that is a puzzle piece and once you complete all 4 the medals fit together to create the town logo.
Each month you'll receive a different race swag item. September receives a long-sleeve shirt with Season of 5k logo on the front. October is a clown wig to wear for the night walk/run. November is a hat and December is a Santa hat.
Register at the John R Drybread Community Center at 100 E Main Cross Street. You can also sign up online and pay at the Community Center.
PRINT form here: